Use this form only for certification by the north dakota department of commerce division of economic development and finance as a certified entrepreneurial center under n. This chapter may be cited as the north dakota nonprofit limited liability company act. Application for entrepreneurial center nd department of. North dakota century code t50c06 north dakota legislative branch. Chapter 1530 organization of independent school districts repealed by s. North dakota century code t54c16 north dakota legislative branch. The principal and earnings of the legacy fund may not. One or more individuals may incorporate a professional organization in the form of a corporation for the practice of a.
For purposes of this chapter, unless the context otherwise requires. It is the intent of the legislative assembly that the department of human services must be substituted for, shall take any action previously to be taken by, and shall. State officer means an elected or appointed officer, board, commission, director, or employee of the state having. Foreign nonprofit limited liability company means a nonprofit limited liability company. This chapter may be cited as the north dakota publicly traded corporations act. The board of university and school lands may lease any lands or coal in tracts that may be. A trust may be created by transfer of property to another person as trustee during the. North dakota century code early childhood services chapter 5011.
873 974 506 1357 496 107 833 1187 1376 429 1034 1507 1029 260 1041 1445 1403 271 1348 982 147 382 887 820 204 296 886 690 1069 623 1246 423 464 670 400 353 327 772 1205 1058 585 307 23 1295 1214 1075